“Zgen” – An Elegantly Crafted Digital Innovative Agency and Portfolio WordPress Theme Driven by
Elementor Page Builder, meticulously curated for its precision, adaptability, and efficiency. Ideal for
All Creative Enterprises, Corporate Enterprises, Digital Organizations, Businesses, SEO and Content Marketing, Consultancies
and other agency-centric organizations.
Easily customisable, it can accommodate diverse needs. It displays impeccably on tablets and mobile
For inquiries or assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Key Features Highlighted
Element Based Architecture
Zgen is constructed using the Elementor framework, facilitating seamless customization.
User-Friendly Interface:
Zgen offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, promising a professional aesthetic for your website.
Responsive Design:
Zgen assures your website’s optimal display across all devices, encompassing laptops, tablets,
smartphones, etc.
Touch Screen Compatibility:
Ideal for usage on touch screen devices.
Comprehensive Feature List
4 Distinctively Styled Pre-Constructed Home Pages
16 Contemporary Inner Pages
WordPress Latest Version Compliant
Drag and Drop Capabilities
Modern, Adaptable, Customisable
Customise Header and Footer Layouts within Elementor Page Builder
100% Responsive, Mobile-friendly
HTML5 and CSS3 Codebase
Element Based Architecture
GSAP Smooth Animation
Localisation via.pot Translation Files
User-Friendly Theme Options Panel
MailChimp Integration
One-Click Demo Importage
Google Fonts Integration
Around-the-clock Excellent Support
Lifetime Free Updates
Extensive Documentation
And much more…
Font Awesome Integration
Fonts Integration
Inter Integration
Unbounded Integration
Source and Creditcknowledgements
Bootstrap Integration
MeanMenu Integration
Swiper JS Integration
CounterUp Integration
GSAP Integration