Key Features
Devised with cutting edge React technology
Accessible across over 60 pages
Supports both light and dark themes
Six pre-demo variations available
Six menu styles at your disposal
Over fifteen color skins to choose from
Fully responsive design
Comes equipped with ready-to-use widgets
Extensive documentation provided
Eye-catching calendar interface
Customizable React Bootstrap components included
Invoicing functionality
User profile management
Timeline display
Integrated CKEditor toolkit
Numerous form examples showcased
Diverse chart options available
Form validation implemented
Input slider feature
Sophisticated form elements incorporated
Form wizard capability
Social media integration
Data table utility
Utilize the Light Gallery plugin
Easily sort tables
React Table utilized
Date picker function
Sort utilities included
Sweetalert notifications
Toast alerts incorporated
Smooth scrolling mechanism
Chatbox functionality
Browser navigation system
All files meticulously commented
And many other features
Upon purchase, you’ll receive
HTML templates
CSS and Sass source files
Thorough documentation package
Featuring credits and licensing information
elegant React Redux integration
Google fonts utilized throughout
Font Awesome icons: Click to view
All images sourced from
React Bootstrap framework integrated
Datatables plugin incorporated
React Table plugin utilized
Full Calendar plugin integrated
Sparkline charting utility
Chartjs library incorporated
Apexchart plugin utilized
Sweet Alert notifications
Simple React Lightbox plugin
CKEditor toolkit
Uc Select2 plugin
Redux Form plugin
Chatbox plugin
Browser navigation system
Font selection: “Poppins”, sans-serif
Submit inquiries via for any challenges encountered with this product.
Standard license: Utilize, either personally or for a single client, within a single end product where end users are not required to pay (free access; no monthly subscription fees). Total cost encompasses the item price and a buyer’s fee. The Standard License bestows upon you, as the purchaser, an ongoing, non-exclusive, global license to utilize the digital asset (Item) you’ve chosen. You cannot sell the final product, unless to a single client. (In the event that you or your client intends to sell the final product, an Extended License would be needed.)
For further details:
Expanded license: Use, either personally or for a single client, within a single end product where end users can be billed for it. Total cost encompasses the item price and a buyer’s fee (no free access e.g., or monthly subscription fees). You are licensed to employ the Item to craft a single End Product for personal, or for a single client (a so-called “single application”), and this End Product can be sold. This license is a “single application” license and not a “multifunction” license, meaning that you cannot apply the Item to construct more than a unique End Product.
For further details:
Change Log
19 December 2022
* Introduced Upload FoodDesk