Welcome to FoodDesk – A visually impressive React Food Delivery Admin Dashboard Template

Welcome to FoodDesk – A visually impressive React Food Delivery Admin Dashboard Template

Key Features

Constructed using the latest iteration of React

Impressive collection of over 60 pages available

Complemented with vibrant light and dark themes

Six pre-demo variations showcased

Six menu styles to choose from

An array of 15 color skins at your disposal

Fully responsive design suitable for all devices

Predefined widgets readily integrated into the layout

Comprehensive documentation detailing each feature

Eye-pleasing calendar feature added

Flexibility of customizing React Bootstrap components ensured

Invoicing capabilities included

User profile management simplified

Timeline functionality incorporated

Integrated CKEditor for enhanced content creation

Numerous form examples provided

Diverse chart options available

Form validation ensures data accuracy

Input slider for intuitive user experience

Sophisticated form elements for enhanced functionality

Form wizard for guided data entry

Social integration for improved communication

Data table for seamless data display

Utilize the light gallery for stunning visuals

Table sorting for easy navigation

React Table for dynamic data manipulation

Date picker for convenient date selection

Sortable interface for efficient data organization

Sweetalert notifications for instant feedback

Toaster alerts for timely updates

Smooth scrolling for seamless user interaction

Chatbox for real-time collaboration

Router for seamless navigation throughout the site

Each file meticulously commented for clarity

And much more awaits you!

What’s Included?

HTML source files

CSS and Sass files for styling control

Detailed documentation for quick reference

Credit section acknowledging contributors

Click here to explore React Redux

Google fonts utilized in the template. Krub

Font Awesome: Click to Explore

All images sourced from Pexels.com

React Bootstrap framework utilized

Datatables integration for data display

React Table for dynamic data manipulation

Full Calendar Calendar integration

Sparkline integration for visual appeal

Chartjs integration for advanced charts

Apexchart integration for compelling visuals

Sweet Alert notifications for instant feedback

Simple React Lightbox integration

CKEditor integration for enhanced content creation

Uc Select2 integration for improved search functionality

Redux Form integration for enhanced form handling

Chatbox integration for real-time collaboration

Router integration for seamless navigation

Font: “Poppins”, sans-serif


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