Title: XPRIME – A Joomla 5 Innovative Business Services Template

Subheading: Major Enhancement: Joomla 4 and 5 Compatibility, Plus Helix Ultimate Integration Included

Title: XPRIME - A Joomla 5 Innovative Business Services Template

Introduction: XPRIME, an innovative Joomla multi-purpose template, offers unlimited prospects for designing phenomenal websites across various industry sectors including corporate, portfolio, personal, agency, hotel, restaurant, wedding, landing page, shop, blog, dance, constructions or one-page layouts. Incorporating the formidable Helix framework with SP Page Builder 5 PRO and custom add-ons like Layer Slider and Hikashop for eCommerce, this fully responsive template ensures optimal viewing experience on any device.

Question: Need an Ecommerce template powered by Virtuemart?

Main Pages:

Theme Features:

Sp Page Builder PRO included;

Quick install feature for immediate web representation;

Fully responsive and mobile-friendly;

Megamenue creation tool;

Built atop the robust Helix Framework;

Access to custom add-ons for page building;

Integration of theme settings within package contents;

Slider import facilitated;

Importable builders’ pages provided;

Fast load time;

Multi-functional design layout;

Five website headers at disposal;

Over forty nine add-on page builders;

Post formats support;

Over six hundred Google Font options;

Flexible logo configuration;

Custom coding provisions;

Social sharing and icon integration;

Option for fluid or boxed layout format;

RTL compatibility enabled;

Font Awesome 5 integration;

Sticky header functionality;

Comprehensive documentation;

Free technical support;

Facebook Open Graph data implementation;

Particle effect integration;

Ecommerce proposition from Hikashop integtration;

Detailed specifications available in our documentation, delineating how to set up, customize and optimize XPRIME;

Update notes include:

Quickinstall support for Joomla 5 upgrade;

Plugin updates;

SP Page Builder software enhancement from v3 to v5;

Documentation revised;

PHP 8.1

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