Title – Movie Theme: Production and Cinematic Vision

“Lights, Camera, Motion Pictures! Here’s a theme crafted exclusively for cinema-themed, theater, film, and all forms of video production websites. It offers an exquisite selection of templates for showcasing movies and films, complete compatibility with the Elementor page builder, and in essence, encompasses every requirement your video production venture might entail.” Direct your cinematic spectacle today using this theme!

Title - Movie Theme: Production and Cinematic Vision

This theme is seamlessly integrated with the Qi Addons for Elementor and Qi Blocks for Gutenberg plugins, both engineered to elevate your website creation prowess.

A notable attribute of this theme is its compatibility with the comprehensive QODE Wishlist for WooCommerce plugin, enabling your visitors to effortlessly compile and share product wishlists.

For more information about the Pelicula theme, please visit the following link:

Theme Features:

User-friendly, robust Admin Interface

Simplified demo site import at the click of a button

13 pre-designed homepage variations

Functional interior pages

Full compatibility with the Elementor Page Builder plugin

Included (worth $109) – Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin

Compatibility with the Qi Addons for Elementor plugin

Compatibility with the Qi Blocks for Gutenberg plugin

Compatibility with the QODE Wishlist for WooCommerce plugin

Enables parallax effects within sections

Select from 18 page transition effects

Large repository of custom shortcodes

Movie List shortcode

Portfolio List shortcode

Multiple customizable portfolio list layouts

3 portfolio list pagination options: Standard, Load More, Infinite Scroll

Multiple customizable portfolio single item layouts

Custom Portfolio Single layouts

Portfolio Gallery – Large layout

Portfolio Gallery – Small layout

Portfolio Images – Large layout

Portfolio Images – Small layout

Portfolio Masonry – Large layout

Portfolio Masonry – Small layout

Portfolio Slider layout

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