Welcome to the cover page of our exquisite design, the BookCard! This high-performance, responsive 3D folded vcard template showcases four magnificent pages consisting of an innovative cover page and three inspiring internal pages fitted with aesthetically pleasing scrollbars.
Our vCard offers numerous benefits such as being compatible with HTML5, CSS3 and Responsive Design. Also, it harnesses the power of jQuery for stunning effects and animation. Additional features include CSS3 3D folded aesthetics that gracefully degrade to a classical layout for unsupported browsing platforms like Internet Explorer 11.
The mobile-centric designs guarantee seamless navigation across all handheld devices while the slickly filtered portfolio features a robust ajax portfolio detail section with customdesigned, mobile-optimized lightboxes supporting both images and videos.
We have also optimized this template for use on high-resolution screens, ensuring crisp and clear visuals. The template is easily customizable with over 50 predefined styles and includes a plethora of CSS3 effects for portfolio page animations.
Moreover, we provide a functional ajax contact form with built-in validation, 20 social media icons, cross-browser compatibility, comprehensive documentation, and regular updates.
In our most recent update, version 1.3.3, we addressed the portfolio masonry layout issue. Version 1.3.2 rectified the homepage book layout height issue on high-resolution screens, fixed homepage cover issues on Edge, and resolved portfolio filter functionality issues on iOS9 devices.
Version 1.3.1 addressed the book pages content overflow issue, fixed the latest tweets functionality, and enhanced the layout for iPad Pro and Android tablets. Version 1.3 added a blog feature, displayed the latest blog posts on the cover page, improved the latest tweets functionality, and enhanced the classic layout, landscape layout for iPad, and tablet layout.
Version 1.2.3 fixed the latest tweets display issue, resolved the fullscreen video bug in Chrome, and refined the classic layout and iPad landscape layout. Version 1.2.2 rectified the Firefox 3D layout issue, resolved portfolio item disappearance on Safari 7, and added a new option to open the book when the URL contains the portfolio keyword.
Version 1.2.1 addressed the close icon and ribbon blurring issue on retina devices, added a new option to open the book when the URL contains the portfolio keyword, and updated the documentation. Version 1.2 introduced a new Twitter icon that is now clickable, updated the Twitter widget, and updated the documentation.
Version 1.1 included an updated Twitter widget and documentation. Version 1.0.1 optimized the main script file and fixed the Tumblr social icon issue. Version 1.0 was the initial launch date.
Special thanks go out to Normalize.css, Bootstrap 2, Animate.css, 3D Menu Layout by codrops, Fancybox, Justvector social icon font, jQuery, jQuery Address plugin, Modernizr, Isotope, fitvids.JS, jQuery validate plugin, FitText, Font Awesome, HTML5 Shiv, selectvizr, Preloaders, subtlepatterns, Stone Pattern, Tileable Wood Pattern, lostandtaken, Ribbon Builder, imagesloaded, Fonts by Google Webfonts, Cover Illustration by Stanley Chow, Illustrations by Dave Mottram, and Illustrations by Dan Matutina.