Explanation: Irrespective of over a hundred other comparable react admin dashboard templates, Elite Able stands apart due to its exceptional capabilities and user-centered coding strategy. Designed and constructed by Phoenixcoded – an esteemed Dashboard Manufacturer in Themeforest.
Benefits Offered: The Elite Able design framework is crafted utilizing Bootstrap 4 Edition. This includes a Quick Start Skeleton Version, Comprehensive Template Version, Well Documented Materials, and Active Support for Latest Released React versions, React Redux Framework, Code Splitting, and Superior Performance.
Performance Focus: Prior to the development of Elite Able Admin Template, performance was our primary concern. We achieved this through rigorous testing and continuous optimization of the codebase.
Testimonials: Live demonstrations showcase a plethora of functionalities, however, due to server location, scores may vary marginally in Google Page Speed, Pingdom, and gtMetrix.
Key Features: The following are the distinguishing features that set Elite Able apart from other templates. These include over 14 unique layouts, a live customizer for precise project requirements, a developer