AutoDeal – An Expertly Crafted Car Dealer, Rental Listing Figma Template

This highly versatile Figma Template presents itself as a considerable asset for Listing, dealership, rental service car businesses. Motorx, designed meticulously, includes full functionality catered specifically towards the car industry including: Form search, component filters, filtering by brand, body type, tabbed displays of featured, recent, popular products, product lists, grids, list views, single product pages, dealer profiles, seller profiles, dealer listings etc. For patrons seeking to establish an online presence for their Car Dealer, Rental Listing venture, Motorx serves as an ideal platform to construct your bespoke website.

 AutoDeal - An Expertly Crafted Car Dealer, Rental  Listing Figma Template

Comprising of 43 screens, each layered and organized element is thoughtfully named. The template features include: 1170px grid system, 10 distinct home page layouts, dashboard pages, over 30 total pages, modern style, crystal clear layout, innovative design, user-friendly Figma files, fully layered and organized pages, compatibility with WordPress, Joomla and other CMS platforms, unique and impressive interface, pixel perfection, complete customization, complimentary Google fonts, free font based icons, round-the-clock support, easy file identification, and much more.

The Figma Template includes 01_Home 01, 02_Home 02, 03_Home 03, 04_Hom 04, 06_Home 06, 07_Home 07, 08_Home 08, 09_Home 09, 10_Home 10, 11_About us, 12_Listing grid, 13_Listing grid 2, 14_Listing list, 15_Listing grid map, 16_Listing list map, 17_Listing map filter, 18_Listing detail, 19_Listing detail, 20_Listing detail, 21_Listing detail, 22_Listing detail, 23_Blog list, 24_Blog grid, 25_Blog detail, 26_Compare, 27_Compare popup, 28_Dealer listing, 29_Dealer detail, 30_Sale agents, 31_Sale agents detail, 32_FAQ, 33_Pricing, 34_Contact, 35_Login, 36_Register, 37_Dash Board, 38_Add listing, 39_Edit profile, 40_Review, 41_My listing, 42_My favorite, 43_Message.

Fonts utilized are Outfit, Inter, Sources and Credits includes Icons from both Fontawesome and Flaticon, Graphic assets sourced from Freepik, Unsplash, and Note: All images showcased in the screenshots are for demonstrative purposes and are not encompassed within the download package.

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