Academia: An Exquisite WordPress Themed Education Center

Academia represents a comprehensive Education WordPress theme that encapsulates numerous features, configurations, and predesigned templates, thereby enabling you to construct practically any conceivable type of website.

Academia: An Exquisite WordPress Themed Education Center

“Realize the Educational Website of Your Dreams with Academia.”

Academia is a substantial educational business WordPress theme specifically designed for education centers, universities, academies, online courses, and events. Its user-friendliness is unmatched. Our team comprehensively analyzed numerous existing education center and online courses entities to ensure it encompassed all vital elements and functionalities. This premium template can be utilized for diverse businesses.

“The Prowess of Academia: More Than Meets the Eye”

Crafted to the pinnacle of excellence

Constructed utilizing the latest HTML5 and CSS3 web standards, you can anticipate a top-tier, lightning-fast, visually striking, and fully responsive website, irrespective of your specific requirements.

Maximize Savings with Bundled Plugins

Savings of over $53 RRP are achievable with industry-standard best practice bundled plugins such as Visual Composer Page Builder and Revolution Slider, all part of this one-time fee.

Mega Headers/Footers Styles

Tailoring your Headers/Footers structure and layout is paramount to delivering the precise information to your audience at the opportune moment. With Academia, you hold unprecedented control. Coupled with the power of the Mega Headers, you can configure unique settings for each Page or Post, e.g., Page A: Header 1, Logo 1; Page B: Header 2, Logo 1, etc. Experience it firsthand today!

List of Features

3 Home Pages demos and updates

One Click Installation of Demo Data

3 Headers Options

3 Footers Options

Courses system compatible with WooCommerce

Paid and Ad-free courses

Purchase of Courses via PayPal

Course Ratings

Grid, List, Schedule layouts for Courses

Top Drawer Integration

Lifelong free Updates and access to our support forum

Redux Framework for a robust Admin Panel

Vast Selection of Sidebar Colors

Included Revolution Slider at NO additional cost

WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress (previously known as Visual Composer) included at NO additional cost

Customizable Mega Menu (XMENU) integrated

Support for RTL languages (coming soon)

Sticky Header

Smooth Scrolling

Retina Compatible

Highly Customizable

Video Background Sections

Custom Post Formats: Standard, Gallery, Link, Quote, Video, Audio

Responsive Design

Boxed/Wide Layout

Sophisticated Typography Options

Custom Page Templates with Page Options Included

Parallax Image and Video Background Sections

One Click Theme Update

Option to Import Individual Pages from our Documentation

Under Construction and 404 Pages

Explore our Academia Live Demo to experience all features

Access Documentation Online

WPML Plugin (verified by

Translation Ready (po/mo files)

Google Fonts Integrated

Font Awesome Icons

Built with HTML5, CSS3, and LESS

Advanced Custom CSS Capability

Integrated Mailchimp Subscription

Cross Browser Compatibility

Child Theme included for optimal customization.

And much more…

Online Support

Full technical support for purchased templates is provided at HERE.

Changelog and Update History

The current version stands at 3.8: Launched on March 29th, 2023.

Click here to review the complete changelog.

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